How to Add Post Views Counter on Blogger

Sayem Tutorial - How To Add Post Views Counter To Blogger- I've been looking for some articles about adding post views to bloggers and most of them aren't working. Counter view is to display the number of views on articles. And counter view certainly has the benefit of making visitors know which articles are most viewed so they know that the article is really useful.

The Following Step By Step In Creating A View Counter On Blogger:

1.Login to Blogger, Enter to THEME , Then Select Edit HTML .
2.Make sure you have installed Jquery Library and Font Awesome CDN on your blog if not then paste it just below all meta tags or just below <head> tag.
<!-- Jquery Library and Font Awesome CDN --> <script src=''/> <link crossorigin='anonymous' href='' integrity='sha256-46qynGAkLSFpVbEBog43gvNhfrOj+BmwXdxFgVK/Kvc=' rel='stylesheet'/>
3.Copy below code then paste it before <data:post.body/>
<b:if cond='data:view.isPost'><span class='post-view' expr:data-id=''><i class="fa fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class='view-load' id='postviews'><i class='fas fa-spinner fa-pulse faa-fast'/></span> Views</span></b:if>
4.Paste This Script above in your HTML as shown below.
<script type='text/javascript'> /*! sayemtutorial-Firebase-post-view */ jQuery.getScript("//").done(function(){$.each($(".post-view[data-id]"),function(e,a){var i=$(a).parent().find("#postviews").addClass("view-load"),t=new Firebase(""+$(a).attr("data-id"));t.once("value",function(e){var o=e.val(),d=!1;null==o&amp;&amp;((o={}).value=0,o.url=window.location.href,$(a).attr("data-id"),d=!0),i.removeClass("view-load").text(o.value),o.value++,"/"!=window.location.pathname&amp;&amp;(d?t.set(o):t.child("value").set(o.value))})})}); </script>
5. If you have done above, click SAVE.

That's all this article about How to Add Post Views Counter to Blogger for those of you who are still confused or have other questions about bloggers, please comment in the comments column below this article.

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