How to Remove Links in Author's Name on Blogger Comments

One cause of broken links that are rarely realized is through the URL of the commenting author on Blogger. It turns out that after clicking on the profile is no longer available. It could be that he was banned or maybe intentionally created a new account just to comment, after that it was deleted again so that it didn't get his full profile. Very little work, right?

To prevent this, it is better to disable the active link in the Blogger comment profile. This method requires Javascript. The code is short and not burdensome at all.

Script To Deactivate Author URLs in Blogger Comments

This problem is only found for those who post-default Blogger comments. If you use comments Disqus or Facebook comments heck safe. If allowed to fear more and more broken links that appear (personal experience).

There are two versions of the code, pure Javascript and jQuery. You can choose the preferred one. Remember, CHOOSE ONE.

/* Remove Profile Link in Blogger Comments by */
(function ignielRemLinkNameCmt(){
if (document.querySelector('#comments .comments-content')){
var a = document.querySelectorAll('.comment-block .user a');
for (var x = 0; x < a.length; x++){
var b = a[x].text, c = a[x].parentNode, d = document.createElement('span'); d.innerHTML = b;
Urgent! If you want to use this version you need to install the jQuery script on your blog first.

/* Remove Profile Link in Blogger Comments by */
window.onload = (function ignielRemLinkNameCmt(){
if ($('#comments .comments-content')){
$('.comment-block .user').find('a').each(function(){
The above code can be combined with a script to delete active links in Blogger comments to avoid getting broken links and spam.

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